You’ll always be burning
calories walking, or running or even standing in the middle of a room swinging
your arms around wildly.
Walking For Weight Loss
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Walking For Weight Loss
Calories are simply units of
heat that our body releases when we move around.
The more energetically or faster we move then
the more heat our body generates and therefore the more calories we’ll burn.
Walking is a low impact activity that we can do
for long periods of time which means that we are burning calories far longer than something we
can do for only a few minutes before needing to rest such as weight training or fast
If you’re burning calories walking,
you be burning through them at a slow and steady rate, but
you’ll be able to keep burning them for longer.
How Many
Calories Are You Burning When Walking?
The amount you burn depends on a number of
- How fast you’re walking, the faster
you walk, then the more calories you’ll burn
- What technique you use, simply
strolling along won’t burn anywhere near as many calories as power walking does. By using your
arms to generate speed as in power walking, you’ll make your walking more
- The terrain you're walking on.
Walking on a road is easier to do than walking on a dirt track, fields or a sandy
- If you’re walking on the flat or
hills. Walking up hills is more challenging than walking on flat terrain, you’ll work
harder, generate more heat in the muscles and therefore be burning more calories
I like to use the following story to explain
the benefits of walking as I think it clearly explains what happens.
Have you ever heard the story about the
hare and the tortoise?
The hare and tortoise have a race, but the hare
sets off too fast, so very soon has to stop for a rest...
He finds himself a warm, shady spot under a
tree and falls fast asleep.
The tortoise on the other hand goes far slower
but keeps on going and passes the sleeping hare on his way to winning the race.
This is how it is with walking compared to
other sports or activities. You won’t burn off as many calories per minute compared to something
like running, but you’ll be able to keep going much longer therefore the overall total of calories
burned will be much greater.
For an
hour of relatively easy walking you would burn around 250 – 300 calories, but this could be far
more if you use some advanced walking techniques.
In summary, you’ll always be burning
calories walking, but how many depends on how challenging it is for
It’s a great idea to do a selection of walks,
some fast and shorter and some easier but longer.
To follow a specifically designed walking
program to help you lose weight fast and get you fitter, more toned and feeling great about
yourself, then go take a look here right now - walking for weight